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🌟 New Class Alert 🌟
Mantra Yoga with April Cantafio

Balance. Clarity. Connection. 

Starting Monday, February 3 | 9:00 AM
✨ First Class is FREE! ✨

This 45-minute mantra-focused practice begins with a blend of light movement and breathwork to prepare for collective and powerful mantra chanting and meditation. Perfect for bringing restoration, inner peace, and a renewed sense of vitality. All experience levels welcome.

Don’t miss the chance to try this transformative class for free on February 3! Sign up 🔗 https://momence.com/s/111812781

🌟 New Class Alert 🌟
Mantra Yoga with April Cantafio

Balance. Clarity. Connection.

Starting Monday, February 3 | 9:00 AM
✨ First Class is FREE! ✨

This 45-minute mantra-focused practice begins with a blend of light movement and breathwork to prepare for collective and powerful mantra chanting and meditation. Perfect for bringing restoration, inner peace, and a renewed sense of vitality. All experience levels welcome.

Don’t miss the chance to try this transformative class for free on February 3! Sign up 🔗
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6 days ago
❄️ We have so many amazing pre-registered classes running this winter, and we hope you can join us.

☀️ Did you know our kids pre-registered classes are synchronized with adult drop in classes in the Sun room?!

Sundays 7:30-8:30 with Jeanette Ward

Fridays 8:00-9:30am with Isabelle Addison

Thursdays 6:00-7:00 with Jennifer Janvier

Tuesdays 11:00 am – noon with April Cantafio
Thursdays 11:00 am – noon with Isabelle Chatelain

Thursdays 4:30-5:30 pm with Dawn

Mondays 4:30-5:30 with Samantha Dale

Sundays 3:00-4:15 with Yan

Wednesday ~ 3x Monthly Classes with Tania

💎 Prefer to drop in? We have more classes than ever to choose from!

Thank you for choosing @pranayogastudio

#yeg #yegfitness #yegwellness #yegcommunity #yogayeg #yegyoga #yegyogacommunity #yegyogateacher #yegyogi #yegyogateachers #yegytt #ytt #yogateachertrainingcourse #yogateachertrainings #holisticyoga #holisticyogaflow #yogilife #yogilifestlye #yoginilifestyle #yogawellness #yogicwisdom #yogicphilosophy #traditionalyoga #consciousyoga #yogic #yogiclife #yogicscience #karmayoga #freeyoga

❄️ We have so many amazing pre-registered classes running this winter, and we hope you can join us.

☀️ Did you know our kids pre-registered classes are synchronized with adult drop in classes in the Sun room?!

Sundays 7:30-8:30 with Jeanette Ward

Fridays 8:00-9:30am with Isabelle Addison

Thursdays 6:00-7:00 with Jennifer Janvier

Tuesdays 11:00 am – noon with April Cantafio
Thursdays 11:00 am – noon with Isabelle Chatelain

Thursdays 4:30-5:30 pm with Dawn

Mondays 4:30-5:30 with Samantha Dale

Sundays 3:00-4:15 with Yan

Wednesday ~ 3x Monthly Classes with Tania

💎 Prefer to drop in? We have more classes than ever to choose from!

Thank you for choosing @pranayogastudio

#yeg #yegfitness #yegwellness #yegcommunity #yogayeg #yegyoga #yegyogacommunity #yegyogateacher #yegyogi #yegyogateachers #yegytt #ytt #yogateachertrainingcourse #yogateachertrainings #holisticyoga #holisticyogaflow #yogilife #yogilifestlye #yoginilifestyle #yogawellness #yogicwisdom #yogicphilosophy #traditionalyoga #consciousyoga #yogic #yogiclife #yogicscience #karmayoga #freeyoga
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Join us on Family Day, Monday February 17th, 2025 for a class the whole family can practice!

Choose from 
1:00pm – 2:00pm
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Spend time together as a family to cherish and nurture your body, mind and spirit while practicing yoga together! Yoga relieves tension, creates stability, increases balance, increases body awareness, and garners self-acceptance. This class will explore sun salutations, breathing techniques, standing postures, balances and partner poses the whole family can enjoy.
No previous yoga experience necessary! kids, teens, parents, grandparents and caregivers are all welcome, ages 3 & up.
$40 per family

Join us on Family Day, Monday February 17th, 2025 for a class the whole family can practice!

Choose from
1:00pm – 2:00pm
2:30pm - 3:30pm

Spend time together as a family to cherish and nurture your body, mind and spirit while practicing yoga together! Yoga relieves tension, creates stability, increases balance, increases body awareness, and garners self-acceptance. This class will explore sun salutations, breathing techniques, standing postures, balances and partner poses the whole family can enjoy.

No previous yoga experience necessary! kids, teens, parents, grandparents and caregivers are all welcome, ages 3 & up.

$40 per family
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We are delighted to welcome you to our beautiful studio for a yoga or fitness class.  Here are some tips to ensure that your experience is a pleasure both for you and those around you.

  • Please bring a yoga mat & water bottle plus a towel for hot yoga. Yoga mats & towels can also be rented or purchased at the studio.
  • Please remove all footwear at front entrance
  • First time to Prana? Please ensure you pre-register in Momence and sign our virtual waiver.
  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class and be on your mat at least 5 minutes before the class start time. Late comers are not permitted. Drop-ins not permitted.
  • All students must sign-in to the receptionist before entering a class. You may also use the self sign-in screen when available.
  • Please leave valuables at home and store all coats and personal belongings in the changerooms to keep the studios tidy and spacious.  Front doors will be locked when a receptionist is not on site.
  • We do have free lockers that have built in keys for cell phones, wallets and keys if needed.
  • There are shower facilities in each changeroom. Please bring a towel or we do have towels to rent.
  • Please turn off or mute all cell phones upon entering the reception area. Cell phones are not permitted in the studios.
  • Please keep voices low while in the reception area and change room/washroom. The yoga rooms are silence only zones, please use the reception area for conversations with friends and teachers.
  • Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfumes, after shave, etc.) as some students are extremely sensitive.
  • Come well hydrated and with a light stomach (avoid eating heavy foods for 2-3 hours before your practice). Wear bare feet and light weight clothing that is easy to move in.
  • Let your instructor & reception know if you are pregnant, or if you have any injuries or medical conditions they should be aware of.  If you have serious allergies or medical conditions such as epilepsy, type 1 diabetes, heart conditions, high/ low blood pressure, etc. please unsure reception has proper up-to-date emergency contact info. Please note: Hot yoga should be discussed with your doctor prior to coming to class if you are pregnant or have other health conditions.
  • If you know you will need to leave class early, please place your mat near the door, and exit before savasana (laying relaxation) begins.
  • We recommend that all Prana students receive our e-mail newsletter, to stay current on holiday closures, schedule changes, registration periods, pass discounts, and special events. You can sign up for our newsletter on our website.
  • To reserve your spot for drop-in classes, sign in on-line. If you can not make a booking, we require 6 hours advance cancellation to make space for those on the waitlist. If you do not cancel your booking on-line more then 6 hours in advance, you may be charged a $15 fee or lose the privilege to pre-book in the future.
  • Up to 2 make-up classes can be taken within a pre-registered session. Please check in at the front desk when you do a make-up class. Make up classes must be done within the current session, they cannot be carried over into the next session.
  • Prana does not issue any refunds or credits for missed classes or unused passes. Pre-registered class and workshop cancellations must be given with at least 48 hours notice. If you are unable to attend due to medical reasons (doctors note required) a credit may be issued to your account to use at a later date.
  • Practicing yoga a few times weekly is recommended for continuity and growth; however, 1x or 2x per week is also extremely beneficial.  Try various styles and teachers to find your niche.
  • Children under the age of 11 are not permitted in adult classes unless approval has been given from Prana Management. Children over age 11 are permitted in warm classes. Teens must be 15 years of age in order to attend hot classes.
  • Yoga is non-competitive. Please go at your own pace. Be respectful towards your body, never moving to the point of pain, and rest as needed.
  • Most importantly, relax and enjoy!  Yoga is a powerful, delightful, and transformational practice, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized. Cumulatively, the process will enrich every aspect of your life, providing balance and inspiration for body, mind and spirit.

Specialty classes


  • Prenatal students: If you are put on bed rest or baby comes early, please contact us within two weeks or have a family member do so. We may be able to keep a credit on file for you for any unattended classes (due to medical reasons) if you contact as soon as possible, by phone or email. If you miss a class and would like to do a make-up, please check with reception to make sure the other prenatal class isn’t full. If it is, we can recommend some other gentle drop-in classes that you can do your make-up class in.  Please check in with reception when you come for a make-up class. Remember to sign in every class.
  • Mom & Baby students: Please bring a yoga mat and anything you’ll need for baby (toys, clothes, diaper bag), as well two receiving blankets to be placed on any of our props /studio blankets that baby may come in contact with to prevent spit up accidents. You are welcome to bring car seats into the class, we do ask that strollers be left at home or in the car if possible as we have limited space to store them, as well as to help keep our floors clean. Remember to sign-in every class.
  • Therapeutic students: As many of you are recovering from injuries and surgeries, please be kind to your body and work at your own pace. Always communicate any old / new injuries or surgeries with your teacher. This class uses a wide variety of props, please help us in making sure they are put back in the prop closets neatly, ask for assistance if you are unsure of how to put them away properly. Remember to sign-in every class.
  • Parents of child & teen students: Please sign a child/ teen waiver at reception, even if you’ve already signed one in the past. Sign your child in every class and instruct your teen to do so. Please do not bring your child if they are sick.