Breathwork Journey

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    Join Trevor Yelich of Nūma Somatics for a 3 hour Breathwork Journey on either

    ✨Saturday April 19th, 6pm – 9pm


    Are you interested in clearing some space within your body, mind and heart?

    Or accessing insight or visionary experiences?


    Nūma Breathwork is a transformational synthesis of conscious connected breathwork, somatic explorations, sound healing, and inquiry that supports you in clearing energy within the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies.


    This dynamic practice can catalyze spontaneous insights and non-ordinary states of consciousness. Each breath becomes a powerful key to the awareness of our reality and who we are in our lives.

    Please join us for this event as we journey inwards with the breath as our healer and guide.


    The numerous benefits include:

    • Recognition and integration of repressed emotions

    • Release of negativity and conscious/unconscious patterns

    • Insight, expanded awareness, and spiritual growth

    • Increased energy and rejuvenation of organs and cells • Detoxification, restoration, balance, and oxygenation of the cells


    ** No previous experience is required. **
    Your Facilitator: Trevor Yelich (


    Investment: $59 + GST


    Pre-register only!

    ✨Saturday April 19th –