🌎 NEW: We are now limiting class sizes to 25 participants per room. Please be sure to save your spot on-line and arrive 10 minutes before class to secure your booking.
YES we are staying open for now, though this could change at any time. We’re striving to continue to provide you a safe space to come and practice while the unexpected is happening all around us. We may have some classes going live mid week, so for those who prefer to practice at home there will be resources coming soon. We’re all in this together, consider keeping your memberships active even if you are practicing from home!
Practicing yoga helps keep our immune system strong and our mindset clear and balanced. With the extra focus right now on viruses, here’s a few tips to consider:
🌿 Optimize your immune boosting health regimens by practicing yoga regularly, eating light, nutritious meals at regular times, staying well hydrated, and upping your immune boosting supplements, especially astragalus (contains selenium), medicinal mushroom complexes, probiotics and vitamin D.
🌿 Continue with your regular activities while employing optimal hygiene habits. This includes coming to class clean & healthy and doing lots of hand washing!
🌿 TRAVELERS: based on a new announcement from AHS, we now require all students or staff who have traveled internationally to self isolate for 14 days before returning to Prana. This requirement stands even if you are symptom free and regardless of what country you have traveled from. Membership freezes will be extended by two weeks accordingly.
🌿 If you’re sick, please stay home! If you are having the beginning of a sore throat or other cold or flu symptoms, it’s too late to “sweat it out”. Enjoy resting until you are symptom free.
🌿 Don’t Stress! Medical professionals agree that stress is one of the leading causes of weakened immune systems. Take care and use common sense without letting any phobias control you.
✨ In regards to sanitation and studio cleanliness we are doing the following:
1. We are staying up to date with all local, state and federal health advisories.
2. We sanitize floors, doorknobs, handles, and surfaces throughout the day, using a natural product called Benefect derived from Thyme oil that kills 99.9% of viruses. We also use benefect in our yoga mat spray found in the hallway and in the yoga rooms. Please regularly
clean your mat and feel free to spray non-cloth props before and after use.
3. Earth room and common areas have a higher than ordinary level of ventilation with our HVAC air fans running 100% of the time, and a special ERV in the hot room that pulls in 100% fresh air (not recycled) while running it through specialized carbon filters. Yes to fresh oxygen!
- Prana teachers will not be doing hands on adjustments for the time being.
- We encourage namaste rather then hugs or handshakes until this wave passes.
- Please bring your own to go mugs for tea and your own water bottles for refills.
- Please use the wall mount hand dryers in bathrooms
🌷 We wish you all well and hope you stay strong and healthy while keeping up with your self care regimens in the coming weeks, years and lifetime.
🕉 Yoga is a huge immune booster! KEEP CALM & YOGA ON