๐Ÿ Fall S A L E !

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸŒป Back to school, back to yoga!

    Try a FREE class on our FALL OPEN HOUSE week


    Did you know that daily routines balance the air element to keep our moods and energy levels stable? Booking classes in advance and committing to those times sets you up for stability and success! September is the time to set your trajectory for the year ahead, cultivating aligned intentions and healthy routines to keep you warm, calm & fit all year long.


    Practicing yoga once per week is amazing, two times per week, twice as good… 3 or more times per week is magic, creating lasting transformation that inspires ongoing commitment. Did you know that yoga is shown to help reduce stress & anxiety, improve sleep, regulate blood pressure, increase lung function, and provide lasting benefits to the body and mind?


    Reclaim your practice!



    $119/monthly ($59.50 bi-weekly) | regularly $129

    *includes IN-STUDIO CLASSES & LIVESTREAMS! Lock in to this low rate on-going! *6 month commitment.

    Use promo code: FALLGOLDย 


    ๐Ÿ 10 CLASS PASS SALE:

    $159 SAVE $20 – regularly $179 – one year expiry




    $89 – one year expiry



    ๐Ÿ New Student Special:

    $49 – SAVE $20! Regularly $69



    ๐Ÿ Get your FREE TRIAL for PRANA YOGA ONLINE, our online library of over 200 amazing yoga classes to choose from, all filmed with your favourite Prana teachers at the studio!


    *sale ends Sept. 15