FREE: Prana Yoga Wisdom Lounge

    with Isabelle Addison | Thursday Dec. 3rd | 7:30 pm


    FREE Digital Gathering for you our Yoga Community! In response to the new restrictions, we are delighted to announce that the Prana Yoga Wisdom Lounge is BACK!


    Going Within for the Win…ter


    Winter is a precious time to draw inward for reflection, supported by the shortening days and the rested quiet of nature cloaked in snow. Join Isabelle Addison for an hour of guided meditation, nourishing pranayama, and most importantly, community and connection, as we explore and contemplate the gifts of this time. This offering is FREE to all Prana students and we invite you to join in fully, setting the time aside, turning your video on, and sharing your presence as you witness and receive the presence of others.


    Followed by Q & A and community conversation.


    Come and join the love stream!



    How do I join the wisdom lounge?


    1. SIGN UP for free on our Virtual Schedule

    2. Create a ZOOM account if you haven’t already. Tutorial on our website.

    3. We will email you the link prior to the meeting.

    4. Zoom on in and enjoy. We can’t wait to see you!