❤️ FREE Valentine’s Day Yoga

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    EmojiFREE Valentine’s Day Yoga Emoji


    The human heart has incredible electromagnetic energy that can extend far beyond our physical form. Come celebrate our interconnectedness through shared practice while energizing the heart’s core radiance.


    Join us for two virtual classes this February 14!


    Emoji 10:00 am Heartsong Flow with Anika

    Open your hearts natural devotion as you synchronize breath with movement in this holistic flow yoga practice.



    Emoji 1:30 pm Heart Chakra Yin with Amanda

    The heart is a space of infinite depths. Enjoy heart centred yin yoga, exploring the grounding aspects of yin coupled with mindfulness, balance, and serenity.



    Practice for yourself, practice with a partner, or practice with family. All levels welcome.


    Take time to nourish yourself through yoga Emoji