With Sheena Mason
Sunday March 26, 10:30am-12:30pm
Cost: $40 + gst
Yoga Nidra is a deep and complete relaxation system that is accessible to everyone. As you lay comfortably on your back, supported with warm blankets and pillows, your body can fall asleep as your mind follows along to a guided meditation. The practice is designed to move through the layers of self or Kosha’s, providing connection and relaxation to the Physical, Pranic, Mental & Emotional systems.
Some benefits include:
– Stress reduction
– Can provide relief from depression, anxiety & sleep disorders
– Alleviates physical tension. Slows heart and breathing rate. Nourishes the nervous system. Balances the endocrine system.
-Heightens focus and mental clarity
– Increases creativity
– Connects us to our greater portion of self and more expanded states.
Yoga Nidra has many applications, from healing to shifting belief systems to exploring inner creativity.
In this workshop, we’ll focus on Relaxation and Deep Renewal. Spending time in preparatory practices, Nidra and short information session on the science of Nidra and relaxation.
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