Join us in filming for Prana?

    Looking for Prana students to join the Prana teachers for our promotional video! We’ll have a fun afternoon of filming this Wednesday, Nov. 22 from 1-3pm. We’ll be providing sushi, beverages and a $25 prana credit to your account. It’s ideal if you have one or more years of yoga experience. Can you join us? If so, please add your name to the list, and we’ll confirm with you on Tuesday evening. We may or may not have space for everyone.

    The video will be used on our website and social media organic and promoted posts to introduce new people to Prana and our offerings.


    If we contact you Tuesday evening to come on Wednesday, please arrive hydrated, nourished, and ready to practice yoga on and off for two hours, with food and drink at 3pm.

    Dress code: solid colour top, solid colour bottoms. Ideally bring an extra top in a different colour. Avoid black & white. No neon.

    Arrive 10-15 minutes early to sign a photo release form and to get changed (or come ready).


    We’re excited for this!