Kids Yoga In The Park!

Venue: 1101 Grantham Drive

    Join us for Kids Yoga in the Park
    Saturday August 12th with Samantha Dale
    10-11am at Glastonbury Park: 1101 Grantham Drive


    Children will learn to stretch, breathe, and relax in a playful way, creating a lifelong foundation for well being.


    Other benefits include building strong, limber, and healthy bodies, improving social interaction, and developing focus, concentration, and attention span.


    Please note: These classes are PRE-REGISTERED ONLY.

    No drop-ins. Waivers can be signed online at the first registration (one time only).


    There will be markers to place mats. Please attend only if you are fully healthy and symptom free.


    Drop in fee $12+gst


    Classes are kid focused but family friendly.

    Running at the same time as our Adult Yoga in the Park class.


    Yoga mat or beach towel
    Water bottle
    Shade hat


    In case of inclement weather, watch for updates on the Facebook event. If it’s raining classes may be postponed or cancelled.


    Please click “going” on the Facebook event so you can receive updates. Feel free to “share” or invite friends!

    Saturday August 12th with Samantha Dale


    Sponsored by Glastonbury Community League & Prana Yoga Studio