Spring Breathwork Revival

    7 days to Spring clean your energy body!


    with Sheena Mason  STARTS MONDAY!


    May 25-May 31 | opening circle via zoom May 25th 6:30 pm


    Shift . Move . Transform


    Breath energizes the body, clears the mind and attunes our nervous system. It also is the bridge to the Pranic Body where undigested mental and emotional impressions can dampen our radiance, until we free up energy to be returned to the flow of our lives.


    🌿 Enjoy 6 days of fun and invigorating 20 minute breath practices that alchemize stagnant energy and uplift the mind/body.

    ✨Release subconscious restrictions and create space to absorb the abundant spring “Prana” – vital life force energy!

    🍒 The dessert… a one hour delectable transformational breath journey followed by deep Yoga Nidra LIVE to absorb and integrate the benefits of your practice.


    Are you in?


    This journey connects to the Breathwork of Transformation.

    Practices will be in your inbox at 6am daily, practice anytime that morning, ideally before 10am. Final practice will be livestreamed at 8-9 am MT followed by sharing. Class recording will be provided after with 24 hour link.


    $59 + tax