Stillpoint & the Power of Yin

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    with Jaya & Amanda Madhu
    Friday, March 19 6-8:30pm


    Online Workshop


    Yin practice escorts practitioners to the liminal edge of the unconscious and conscious mind, the outer dense body and the subtle meridians underlying this form. Travel within to the dynamic balance of chaos and order through which the energy body is made available to support the journey into wholeness.


    Learn more on Yin theory and why a yin practice helps you to profoundly release long stored emotions and limiting beliefs, opening new spaciousness in your body/mind.


    In this workshop, we’ll dive into emotions and the mind, and the correlation with organ and meridian theory. We will be practicing during the workshop, so please have your mat set up! You may need: blocks (you can use books if you don’t have them), bolster (or a pillow or rolled up towel), and perhaps an eye pillow (or scarf to drape over your eyes).


    Investment: $40+GST