The Art of Relaxation

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    with Shambhavi Hughes

    Saturday, Oct. 13th, 3-5pm

    Investment: $40 + gst


    Our natural state is that of peace, ease, clarity and bliss. And when we are able to reconnect back to this organic state within ourselves, is when we can truly begin to enjoy and relax into life, into our bodies and into all we have been, all we currently are and all we will be.


    Shambhavi Hughes invites you to join her for an afternoon of deep and profound relaxation, where each yogi and yogini will be guided into the ease and simplicity of their being. Students will explore what implementing the ‘art of relaxation’  would mean and look like in their own life as well as learn the plethora of benefits that reap from such a practice. Relaxation, restoration and renewal will be experienced as students are lead through a series of soothing Restorative postures. It is when we relax and let go that we discover life is already happening organically, exactly as it is intended to be!


    Om. Shanti, shanti, shanti