with Prem Robin Campbell & Amanda Madhu Whiting
September 14-16, 2018
Friday 2:30-8:30pm, Saturday & Sunday 8:30am-5pm
The second module in the Emotional Wellbeing Series, this intensive is designed for yoga teachers and practitioners to deepen their capacity to support students and themselves for emotional health and wellbeing. Together we will explore yoga philosophy as it applies to mental health, and practical ways to support yourself and others through emotional difficulty. Topics that will be explored include shame, vulnerability, resiliency, compassion and boundaries. This experiential weekend will leave you equipped with more confidence in holding space for students and yourself when going through emotional difficulty. During this intensive you will:
There are no prerequisites for this course.
We recommend reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown prior to the course, but it is not required.
Cost: $399+gst with Earlybird $379+gst until September 1