Yoga Womb: Liquid Peace Women’s Night

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    Friday, December 9th 6-9pm

    with Sheena Andrea & Leala Enfield


    Cacao Ceremony | Kundalini Movement | Breathwork | Deep Restore | Aroma Therapy | Nurture Massage


    Let’s gather for deep winter nurture, spunk and sparkle in our candlelit yoga room at Prana. Enter the warm embrace of sisterhood as you are supported in a conscious return to the nurturing cave within. Shedding layers of identity and obligation, you are welcomed into the unknown treasures that lie dormant within your cosmic heart. Through our unseen connections, we ride the tide of Liquid Peace through movement, breath, sound, sharing and stillness into the vast mystery that ripples into life.

    Let’s celebrate feminine essence in all it’s forms, from relaxed nurture, to ecstatic senses, unleashed creative flow to cosmic mystery, heartful contentment to fierce clarity.


    • 6:00: Cacao Ceremony & Rose Oracle
    • 6:20: Chanting, kundalini movement & dynamic breathwork
    • 7:00: Dragon’s womb guided relaxation: walking between the worlds
    • 7:20 Restorative Yoga with aromatherapy & nurture massage
    • 8:10 Free Stream intuitive writing, giving Her voice
    • 8:45 Closing Circle


    Dress in comfortable clothing that you can move freely in, layers are good, and a touch of goddess if thats fun for you… Bring two blankets, a shawl and an eye pillow if you have one! And a notebook and pen.


    Reserve early, last December’s Liquid Peace event sold out!


    Investment: $75