Without my conscious awareness the quality of union embedded in the roots of yoga began to harmonize my past impressions, trauma laid grief and un-serving beliefs that had been situated under the surface. Every practice became a sanctuary in which I was offered a glimpse of new-found freedom and tools to navigate through what at times is the tumultuous waters of life. It was and is the greatest of gifts. Though, I had no intentions of teaching this practice, and instead tried to pursue other creative outlets, eventually through the grace of Yoga the subtle strands of Dharma shone more brightly and acceptance for what was meant to be grew stronger within myself… and so here I am doing my best to simply trust that which is.I began the path of teaching in 2004 in the form of mentorship with my original teachers Deb and Lacie Cosgrove, and somehow that led me to puruse other trainings both locally and internationally in various styles and schools of thought ranging from Ashtanga to Akhanda to Kundalini. This helped me form a new perspective with which to observe, witness, see. The foundation that was laid in that time eventually led me to sincerely study the wisdom held in Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Mantra, Meditation and the traditional philosophies that form the umbrella of Yoga while under the guidance of my dear teacher, Yogi Baba Prem and the lineage of Mahavatar Baba-ji. In 2016 I was more than humbled to receive the traditional title of Yogakovid.
I approach my practice and teaching with an innate intention to support the elevation of consciousness. With every practice emphasizing a balance of effort and ease, the embrace of self and collective compassion, and the importance of the foundational breath. The breath as a catalyst for inner union, of body and mind and a gateway leading us towards the depth of Self and the understanding that we are all enough and we are all one.
I appreciate and always bow in gratitude to the facets of studentship that so many of us share together. The light in me honours the light in you.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namah