Katonah Yoga®: Radical Restoration

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    Radical Restoration: Using Props and Principles of Sacred Geometry to Inform, Reform, and Transform
    A Katonah Yoga® Workshop

    with Isabelle Addison
    Friday Mar 31 | 5-7 pm


    Spring is the perfect time to connect with new information, facilitating both a change in perspective as well as renewed vigor and inspiration in your practice.
    Join Isabelle Addison for 2 hour ride into and with the magical abode of your body. Leveraging the concrete feedback of blocks, straps, folding chairs and poles we will discover the beauty and balance of measure, the integrity of geometry and the joy of reformation and restoration based on universal principles. When structure is reframed, organs function better, breath deepens, and internal chemistry starts to shift. Be the architect, master builder, and joyful inhabitant of the house that is your body. Come away with practical and repeatable techniques that will continue to inform and enhance both life and practice.
    All levels welcome!

    *This workshop is followed by KIRTAN with Isabelle from 8-9:30pm


    Katonah Yoga is an extraordinary approach to and method of yoga practice. Developed over the course of 45 years by Egyptian-American Nevine Michaan, it is a syncretic Hatha practice that draws a number of sources, including the Iyengar tradition, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sacred Geometry, and a healthy dose of Nevine’s unique mystical pragmatism and skillful use of metaphor. Its principles of referencing the archetype of each pose, leveraging the skill of measurement using vision and the feedback of props, focusing on joint health and longevity rather than purely muscular strength, discovering the multi-dimensional fits and folds of the human body, and the pivotal use of the imagination to feed, fuel, and fill out every asana shape in revolutionary ways confound, delight, inspire, and provoke insight. It’s challenging, illuminating, and sometimes mystifying. It treats yoga as an alchemical practice – more magical than medical – that seeks to make the unconscious conscious and reveal what’s been hiding in plain sight to result in a well-rounded, resilient and responsible human being.


    A yoga teacher since 2010, Isabelle is a 500hr E-RYT with a foundation in Akhanda (holistic) Yoga. She first connected with Katonah Yoga® in 2015, but did not immerse in the practice until 2020 when the pandemic made studying with teachers in New York and elsewhere immediate and accessible. Since that time Katonah Yoga has infiltrated both her practice and teaching as well as her life – something that happens naturally when universal principles such as those informing Katonah Yoga are discovered and articulated. She completed her certification in 2021.


    $49 +gst