Ball Rolling for Myofascial release

Venue: Prana Yoga Studio

    Improve movement, manage pain, release tension, and restore balance with this awesome technique!


    In this inspirational two-hour workshop, Shelley Budinski will empower you to take your healing into your own hands using Massage Therapy Balls. Unlike sports balls, these unique rubber balls are dense, grippy and pliabe. They are specifically designed for the body and gently mold against your skin. You can safely move over bony prominences while getting into your superficial and deeper connective tissues. This not only helps to hydrate the tissues, it will send new messages to the brain, and unglue stiffness within your muscles, ligaments, and joints.


    You will be taken on a step-by-step journey as you explore many techniques for Self-Myofascial massage. You will learn safe and effective self-massage techniques which will help improve movement, manage pain, release tension, and restore balance throughout your entire system.


    There will be a short discussion at the beginning of the workshop, followed by a series of key ball placement locations and specific body movements. Once you learn this system, you will know how to target and roll out your areas of pain or discomfort while learning how to relax and release tension. It’s an effective way to take care of your body, prepare you for quality sleep and enhance your well-being. We promise your body will only thank you!

    Try out our FREE CLASS during our Open House on Tuesday, September 10!


    Sunday September 15thth | 2:00-4:00pm
    with Shelley Budinski
    Roll Model® Method Practitioner


    $69 (includes a set of small Yoga Tune Up Balls)
    $49 (without balls – you must bring your own)



    4 Week Ball Rolling Series to Follow
    Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:30pm
    September 24th – October 15th
    $136 (includes a set of small Yoga Tune Up Balls)
    $116 without balls included